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 Kat Bacud "Triple A" 79 Gamma

Kristel Barte "Toot-Toot" 80 Gamma

Gina Cha "He Pillsbury" 81 Gamma

Betty Chou "B-Rex" 82 Gamma

Irene Dela Cruz "Lost in Translation" 83 Gamma

Jaymie Frazier "Emostein" 84 Gamma

Nychel Guia "Quirious Quagmire" 85 Gamma

Mica Largo "Broken Record" 86 Gamma

Ashley Monzon "J-Bobo" 87 Gamma

Kathryn Ordonez "Tick Tick BOOM" 88 Gamma

Shailai Prado-Nichols "Shellfish" 89 Gamma

Roselle Prestosa "Kipunzel" 90 Gamma

Krystle Ronque "Lt. She-man" 91 Gamma

Neliza Salud "Tiny Tim" 92 Gamma


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